Post by Shoshi Ana on Apr 14, 2009 4:50:50 GMT -5
Ana’s frown grew deeper as Ichigo snapped every once in awhile. She had several things that jumped into her head that she could snap back at him. Ichigo was the only person Ana ever snapped back at so much, other than her brother but still this was nasty stuff not the same stuff with her brother. She wanted to yell ‘well try’ but she didn’t, he’d remember on his own, in his own time and she hoped he did though she also hoped he didn’t, he’d beat himself up if he remembered it all. Ana wondered if there was some way she could heal Ichigo’s ribs, after all she had broken them but nothing was coming to her mind. She looked down at the ladder and smiled a little before she dropped the ice and grabbed her arm tightly, stupid Hollow. She cringed and slammed the door shut before looking back into the room. “Urahara…” she looked at him and no one else, she’d probably give Ichigo a death stare if she glanced his way “It’s hurting a lot… do you have burn cream? I can get it if you do.” It wasn’t a stabbing pain nor muscles cramps just burning maybe for different Hollows and their bites the reaction was different to the cream. Ana then glanced to Ichigo though her expression was not light hearted but not icy cold. “If your ribs hurt a lot put ice on them and then bandage them tightly applying a lot of pressure it will feel a lot better…” she looked to Tessai “You think you can do that?” she didn’t really want to do it.
Post by Kurosaki Ichigo on Apr 14, 2009 5:14:17 GMT -5
Urahara flinched once the door was slammed, he gave a sigh before suddenly hearing Ana ask for cream for her wound. he looked over his shoulder to her and nodded ''Of course, its behind the counter, it should be a dark blue coloured tube, it hasnt got any label on it either'' he said and then looked back to Ichigo and then Tessai. Ichigo could hear Ana asking for something, thuogh he didnt move or look her way either, he sighed. It was stupid the way he was acting, but he was a complicated person, one time he could really mature about something the next he acted like a stupid kid, he knew when he was being way too much of an idiot, and this was one of those times, but he'd keep that to himself like he did with most things. Though when he heard Ana speak again, he didnt think she had been talking to him until she mentioned 'ribs'. He just moved his eyes to look at her but then looked back in front of him. He was being stubborn and not answering Ana for a moment, though he gave a nod. ''Right...thanks'' he muttered before then hearing her mention for Teesai to help him see to his ribs. Ichigo immediatly objected to it, it was clear from his disapproving expression that he didnt want that guy anywhere near him. But he then felt more pain in his ribs as though it was reminding him that if he didnt allow Tessai to help him then he'd be stuck with that pain for ages. He was hesitant to agree, but he nodded. ''Alright, but if you so much as say a word to me about anything i wont be responsible if you get hurt!!'' he snapped. Tessai gave a nod though he grinned stupidly before moving towards Ichigo bandages at the ready. Urahara smiled a little ''Right, well then i'll go get some more ice then'' he said.
Post by Shoshi Ana on Apr 14, 2009 5:34:03 GMT -5
Ana nodded a dark blue container with no label that was dangerous. She looked over her shoulder and then back into the room hearing Ichigo, she made a face when he wasn’t looking before walking off and looked behind the counter, she held several tubs up to her eyes before looking to one and twirled it around before looking over seeing Urahara vanishing some place. She put the tube back frowning before kneeling down “Where are you exactly?” she asked talking to herself before pulling out a tube, that had to be it right, seemed blue, not labels on it, she was positive it was the right one and she couldn’t see anything else. She put it onto the counter and then tried to unbandage her bandages, after what seemed like ten minutes she got them off and frowned perhaps she should go shover her bite mark in Ichigo’s face and see if he remembered then though she resisted the erg and un screwed the lid, before applying it around the wound carefully rubbing it into the skin and the very edges of the marks cringing before screwing the lid on again. She found a rubbish bin and threw the bandages into it before looking around for some more bandages and jumped up trying to see the back of one shelf, where’d he keep them. She walked around, the burning seemed to have stopped for the moment but then again Ana’s mind was not focussing on the bite it was focussing on trying to find a bandage which she managed to find and then with one hand tried to wrap her wound up again which didn’t work after several tries she cursed loudly and tried to find Urahara.
Post by Kurosaki Ichigo on Apr 14, 2009 5:58:14 GMT -5
Urahara had deliberatlynot labeled some of this things, it was so that a customer or a normal human wouldnt buy somethign that they didnt know what itwas, he put alot of thought into things, he had the time on his hands to anyway. Urahara had come back with the ice and wrapped it in a cloth before handing it to Ichigo. ''How many do you want? 10?'' he joked. Ichigo gritted his teeth 'Be quiet!'' he snapped before seeing Tessai had finished giving him some more bandaging to his ribs. ''That should hold the wounds'' he said before looking to Urahara as he handed Ichigo some ice. Ichigo then put the ice to his wounds, he would probably melt the ice up in seconds, his ribs felt like they were burning, it made him wonder how Ana could break bones even.
Urahara then stood up and walked over to the door looking out of it over by Ana to see if she had found the right one, he frowned but then smiled a bit. ''Is it any better?'' he called out to her, thuogh he noticed she was looking for something or someone, he smiled seeing she may of been having trouble to wrap up her bandages. He walked out of the room and towards Ana. ''Having trouble?'' he asked her. Ichigo still had no idea what had happened, what his hollow had done to her arm, he would probably of freaked out if he knew, as if he wasnt already made out to be a completely violent and aggressive fighter, biting one of his friends just didnt sound like him at all. Ichigo looked down to hsi wounds, Ana was right, the ice and extra bandaging had eased the pain in his ribs, he hated it when she was right. But he now felt like he was ok, and ready to start his next bit of trainning.
Post by Shoshi Ana on Apr 14, 2009 6:19:30 GMT -5
Ana looked over to the room, she thought she heard Ichigo snap and wondered if he ever stopped apart from when he was knocked out. She then caught Urahara as he walked over to her and nodded to both questions. “Well I think that it’s doing better the burning is gone though my mind isn’t on the wound it’s on trying to get this on…” she said holding up the bandage “Could you please… I’m having trouble…” she asked. She realised Ichigo was quiet, in fact the entire area was quiet was different, nice on her ears for a change, no bickering and yelling just silence. She felt relaxed and calm though didn’t last long as she frowned looking to the wound, that bite was going to cause her hell. “He doesn’t know he did it does he?” she asked referring to Ichigo knowing about biting her arm. Ana looked over to the counter wondering if she had used the right lotion and then looked to Urahara “So what’s Ichigo’s next training involve?” she raised an eyebrow what was it he had planned for Ichigo’s training exactly because she didn’t want that Hollow loose again she’d need a metal bat to knock him out and then find something to lock him in.
Post by Kurosaki Ichigo on Apr 14, 2009 6:31:50 GMT -5
Urahara looked to Ana and smirked a bit seeing the bandages, he gave a nod and then moved his arms up and helped her wrap up her wound. ''Well at least its feeling better now...no hollow transformations for you, but for Ichigo im afraid he will need more trainning...if i can get him shut up'' he said and sighed before finished her bandage. ''There...'' he said then looked around a bit after it fell quiet, it was either Tessai had gagged Ichigo or had knocked him out, or so he thought, and smiled. Urahara then looked back to Ana as she said how Ichigo didnt know about the wound. He looked down a bit then back up. ''Uhh...no he doesnt'' he began. ''He should find out soon enough...maybe it will keep him quiet for a while longer'' he said. He then looekd over to the cream that Ana had used, it was the right one thankfully. He glanced back to Ana as she asked what Ichigo's trainning would be. he frowned a bit. ''Were not done with his hollow....now im going to have to teach him to use that hollow's strength while staying within his shinigami form...'' he said. ''I should be teaching him now but...i dont know if he's ready for it...'' he sighed.
Post by Shoshi Ana on Apr 14, 2009 6:46:50 GMT -5
“Good.” Ana said nodding, she didn’t want to transform into a Hollow. She then thanked him looking to her shoulder before looking towards the room again, why was it so quiet it kind of worried her. Ana took a step towards the door before looking back over to Urahara “Do you want me to round him up for it?” she asked smirking a little though it faded and she looked towards the door “Is that not extremely dangerous?” after all Ichigo had had trouble getting control back over his body when the Hollow had been in control. She suddenly spoke up aiming her voice to the room “Tessai did you kill Ichigo or something it’s so quiet?” she poked her head around the door and noticed Ichigo was off in space, she tilted her head a little before walking into the room and looked to Tessai raising an eyebrow, what had the guy done to him. “Hey Ichigo… if you’re ready Urahara will start your next lot of training…” she said keeping her bandaged arm out of sight behind the wall.
Post by Kurosaki Ichigo on Apr 15, 2009 3:33:21 GMT -5
Urahara watched Ana for a moment then smiled a little after hearing her say how she could round Ichigo up for the trainning. ''Well....he will need someone to to strict and get him up'' he said but then looekd back over to the room going towards it and standing by the door, looking at Tessai and Ichigo frowning, ''How come its gona all quiet in here'' he asked. Tessai looked to Urahara and Ana and grinned a bir. ''I used a sleeping dart on him...'' he joked about, which made Ichigo suddenly shoot a glared at him. ''I was just thinking bout stuff...he aint killed me...i'd like to see him try'' Ichigo said glancing to Urahara and Ana then back at Tessai. Though Ichigo looked back over to Ana after hearing her mention more trainning, he didnt say anything at first, he was now scared of ever trainning at all, but he just gave a nod. ''Alright..'' he said then looked down to his feet just hoping his legs would even carry him after all the injuries. He leaned forwards more and stood up, though he almost toppled over he wasnt going to sit this out, he wanted to get anything hollow related out of the way as quick as he could. He walked towards Urahara and Ana seeming ok and walked out of the room. ''Where'd you leave my zanpakuto?'' he asked as he walked past them.
Post by Shoshi Ana on Apr 15, 2009 5:01:25 GMT -5
Ana looked to Tessai and smiled laughing under her breath a little, was a good joke from her point. She could just see a sleeping dart in the side of Ichigo’s neck to shut him up. Ana blinked if Ichigo wasn’t careful he just might end up dead from a fight. She then remembered what his father had once said to her, how he was worried that Ichigo would die young because he wasn’t careful, was she stuck looking over him forever. She dropped her head before looking up seeing Ichigo said ‘alright’ she was about to say ‘you don’t have to train’ though kept her mouth shut and looked back around the shop before her head emerged from the door again and she shrugged she had no idea where his sword was she though Urahara had brought it up though she made a face thinking, it was a thinking face in away though over exaggerated. “Oh down in the basement still… I think… no idea though you dropped it” one thing she could say at least his Hollow had given Ana a fair fight, no weapons just powers and fists and legs, she had to be a little thankful for that or she would be dead, she knew that much. “I’ll go take a look for you.” She added vanishing and opened the door before looking down and then climbed down the steps, she hoped she hadn’t gotten a bruise on her face, she knew she was going to get one, and then one on her ribs and possibly her arms but she didn’t want them to show yet, cuts and bandages that was all. Ana touched the ground and looked around “Zanpakuto.” She said holding her hand out and looked around though nothing happened, she smiled a little and lowered her hand starting to walk around looking for Ichigo’s massive sword.
Post by Kurosaki Ichigo on Apr 15, 2009 7:24:54 GMT -5
Urahara watched Ichigo stagger up and out of the room asking about his zanpakuto, he frowned watching him wondering how far he'd get before he fell. Ichigo stopped and looked over to Ana hearing her say his zanpakuto was still in the basement. He gave a sigh and then looked over to the door that lead to the basement, but then see Ana had already gone to look. He frowned at her but then smirked a tiny bit before leaning agasint the wall keeping himself upright, though he then wondered if she would be able to carry his sword, it's size meant it was heavy, but Ana might just surprised him.
Urahara walked over by Ichigo and then looked to the door leading down to his basement. ''You should know that Ana got pretty hurt in that fight...just that she hasnt told you anything about it right?'' he said to him. Ichigo quickly looked to Urahara his scowl deepening. ''What do you mean by that?...'' he had said almost snapping at Urahara. Urahara disnt answer and instead changed the subject quick. ''Oh i think you did leave your zanpakuto down there, you left it there after the fight'' he said hoping Ichigo wouldnt spot the sudden subject change, but it was quite obvious. Ichigo grunted a little before looking back in front of him. ''I guess...so whats this trainning involve? you havent told me much about it'' he said to him.