Post by Shoshi Ana on Mar 19, 2013 0:13:43 GMT -5
• Please respect one another and be polite, we don’t tolerate bullies, harassment or rudeness here.
• You can register with whatever name you like but it is required you change your name once registered to that of your characters, it should look as such (Shoshi Ana) with the last name coming first.
• One character per account – meaning you will need a new account when making a new character.
• It would be nice if you can get your application up within a week of joining; once you have been approved you can start role-playing but only AFTER you have been approved and not beforehand.
• We do not tolerate god-moding here, you have your own character so stick to your character, unless you have permission to play someone’s reactions out you should never post someone else’s character. The same thing goes for Mary-Sues, we don’t allow them, everyone has a weakness, nobody is perfect.
• Please post in 3rd person not 1st person and make sure the person above you can read the post. While we have no word count a good paragraph is required.
• Activity is required here and while we have no character limit you need to be active with ALL your characters or you will lose them. It’s always good to see people posting 3 times a week or even more, activity means more role-playing opportunities and fun times to be had by all.
• Please ask for Ichigo’s permission if you want to be in his gang, we can’t have half the site claiming to be in his group. Why not make your own group, have some fun; it’s why we are here.
• Signatures are to be 500 by 300 max – no nudity! Please refrain from posting links in your graphics to other sites, that’s why we have a advertise area. Avatars are 150 by 150 Max
• For information on BLEACH Species you can go here ::
• The last rule is the easiest one to follow. HAVE FUN!
• A quick note for you all, as Yamamoto has been kidnapped from Soul Society the remaining captains have closed the gate to Soul Society only Shinigami who have special passes and permission can pass through the realms.